Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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the sound of wind, water, rain or breathing
Eng. sound of water; sound of wind; sound of breathing; water, sound of; wind, sound of; breathing, sound of; static, sound of; white noise; noise, white; hiss; shhh
DDP: Sound (, Types of sounds (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for the wind, water, rain or someone breathing (eglehes, miglehes/inlehes, lehes, source, eg><ø-) to produce a loud sound
Eglehes ka weyig ke egbaggiyu.
The water will produce a loud sound if there is a flood
O. Syn. eglehulehu
Eng. produce sound (of water or air); noisy, be (of water or air); loud, be (of water or air)
OCM: Ethnometeorology (821)
DDP: Wind (, Rain (, Sound (, Types of sounds (, Loud (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(malehes, mA1-) noisy (of wind, water, rain or breathing)
Ka malehes iyan ka mahulub ne dahing te minsan nekey iling te weyig, kalamag, geyinawa wey duma pad.
Malehes ka weyig ne mababew.
The shallow river is noisy.
Eng. noisy (of water or air); loud, (of water or air)
OCM: Ethnometeorology (821)
DDP: Rain (, Sound (, Types of sounds (, Loud (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 26/Jan/2015

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