Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Var.1: inihel
for an animal (egginihel/eg-inihel, migginihel/mig-inihel/ingginihel/in-inihel, ginihel/inihel, agent, eg><ø-) to growl (egginihelen/eg-inihelen, ingginihel/in-inihel/migginihel/mig-inihel/pigginihel/pig-inihel, ginihela/inihela, egginihilan/eg-inihelan, ingginihilan/in-inihelan/migginihilan/mig-inihelan/pigginihilan/pig-inihelan, ginihilan, location, eg><en-, eg><an-) at someone else or something
Ka egginihel iyan ka eggimuwen te mananap ne egpanimubulut pinaahi te pegpalehes te abelengan eyew egdahing iling te asu ne egpanimbulut wey miyew ne egpamusenga.
Kenè ka dani rue te itù su egginihel e ka iney ne egkannuhun.
Don’t get close to the puppy because the possessive mother is will growl.
Mesì egginihel e ka asu ne kenè kad dani su egkahat e sika.
If the dog growls do not go near because it will bite you.
Eng. growl; roar; angry sound
OCM: Ethnozoology (825), Ethnozoology (825)
DDP: Animal sounds (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 14/Aug/2013