Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (eggugus, miggugus/inggugus, gugus, agent, eg><ø-) to pour poisonous plants (iggusgus, inggusgus, nagugus, instrument, ig><ø-) in the river (eggusgusan, inggusgusan/miggusgusan/piggusgusan, gusgusi, location, eg><an-)
Data Qual: problem with glossing
Ka se lalag ne gus-gus malù egpekeg-iling te ulè, piru seeni se gus-gus mehilut ne egkarineg ta diyè te me etew ne egmandurulis ne eggamit te gassi wey tubà.
Diyè ta iggusgus ka gassi wey tubà te ureyikan eyew egkaanlas ka gitè.
We will pour the poisonous plants there at the source of the water so that the sap will be carried away by the current.
Cult. This is a fishing practice
Eng. pour, to
DDP: Pour (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: QDL,RAA,RJH
Last updated: 21/Dec/2011