Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(deyireyi) reliable than others
Seini ne lalag migpasabut te keupiya wey ke kanekal, kateles wey minsan nekey ne katuenan te sabeka ne etew ne labew te duma. Ka sika ne lalag migpasabut man-e te neyimu te sabeka ne migdari red du te innimu te duma.
Deyireyi e red se menubu su nakalampus e red te peg-iskuyla ku du te me biseye ne eggelebek ne egpanampele ne warè ma nenekeimpus te Ilimintari.
I am more reliable, for even I'm a native but I'm able to pursued my degree not like bisayans that kept on scolding us for they don't even finished the elementary level.
Data Qual: need to change this example sentence
Eng. reliable
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,TME,NJK
Last updated: 03/Apr/2014