Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egbunsuwit, migbunsuwit, bunsuwit, agent, eg><ø-) to whistle
Ka igpasabut te bunsuwit iyan kasangkapan ne egdahing ke eggiyupen. Kaayun ne etew ka bunsuwit piru iyan eggamiten ka bibig. Masulug ka egkahamitan te bunsuwit: ka duma eyew te peg-umew te etew ne diyè te mariyù, ka duma eyew peg-alew te maya, ka duma eyew igpaheram ka peggeyinawa te malitan wey ke lukes naa.
Pamunsuwiti nu si Noel eyew egdineg.
Whistle to Noel so that he will hear.
Migbunsuwit e re iya ganna, masi layang iya ka maya.
When I start whistling, all birds fly.
Egbunsuwitan ku ka malitan ne si Cahty eyew egkakita rin ka pegkamateles ku.
I whistling woman named Cahty so that she can notice my handsomeness.
Eng. whistle; blow
Tag. pito; silbato; pasuwit
Ceb. taghoy
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 02/Aug/2016
Updated by: RAA,RJH
Last updated: 23/Nov/2016