Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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n.Picture of belekebeken
(belekebeken) a chicken feather which composed of black, white, and red
Ka seini ne lalag iyan sika se batek te manuk ne nasagul te meitem, maangkag, wey malalab.
Neelin ne belekebeken ka me manuk ni amè.
Mixed with black, red, and white is the feathers of my dad's chicken.
Eng. mixed color; color; colour
Tag. kulay
Ceb. kulor
OCM: Ethnozoology (825)
DDP: Parts of a bird (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 21/May/2009
Updated by: QDL,QDL,NJK
Last updated: 09/Jun/2014