Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for skin or ground (egbekabeka, migbekabeka/imbekabeka, bekabeka, actor & patient, eg><ø-rdpRT-) to dry out and flake or split open
Egpambekabeka ka luwit te munggus ne egkasuhat te meinit te aldew.
The shells of monggo beans split open when the heat of the sun hits them.
Cult. egbekabeka is common term that usually used by the people lived in the remote areas for the sweet potato when it is dry and good to eat.
Eng. split open; flake, to; dry out
OCM: Ethnometeorology (821), Climate (132)
DDP: Dry (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for the ground (egpambekabeka, impambekabeka/migpambekabeka, pamekabeka, patient, eg><ø-paN-rdpRT-) to be all parched
Amana ne meinit seini su+pameka-beka e ka tanè.
The weather is very hot because the land is+spliting open.
Eng. parched, be (of the ground); dried out, be (of the ground)
Tag. tigáng
Ilo.: ríngngat
OCM: Ethnometeorology (821), Climate (132)
DDP: Drought (, Dry (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

(mabekabeka, mA1-) dry (of food)
Ant. malamiyak
Eng. dry (of food)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 26/Apr/2017