Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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kalasag (shield) mountain which is located at the west side of Sinuda
Cult. A long time ago there was a guy from Cotabato who came here to Sinuda to Datu Gusasa the leader of the community to request repayment of a debt. But then an unexpected tragedy happened – there was strong rain accompanied with wind. The place was covered with water and all the people turned into eels. Only two remained – the guy holding a lady who was the lovely daughter of Datu Gusasa. The guy decided that the lady would be the payment of Gusasa's debt. But suddently a voice came from somewhere and said, "Leave the woman if you want to be saved and not included inthe wrath." But the guy shouted, "No! I can't. I love this woman!" and then the water rushed towards to them and and the guy used his shield to block the water and it become a mountain.
Eng. Kalasag mountain; mountain name
Online dict status: -
Usage level: RN

Updated by: RJH,AAA,QDL,RJH
Last updated: 25/Jul/2012