Def.: impurtanti ne baad te minsan nekey
MS: baad
an important part of something.
Traditional dancing is a very important feature of the Kaamulan fiesta.
Ka pegsayew te sayew ne karaan amana ne impurtanti ne baad te Kaamulan ne kalibulungan.
Def.: egkalabet; egkakita ne labet
MS: egkalabet; egkakita ne labet
If someone or something features in another thing, they are part of that thing, so you can see them in it.
Traditional dancing often features in fiestas.
Ka pegsayew te sayew ne karaan layun egkalabet diyè te me kalibulungan.
Jackie Chan features in that movie.
Si Diyaki Tsan nalabet te seika ne salida.
Def.: egpalabet; egpaapil
MS: egpalabet; egpaapil
If something features another thing, that other thing is a part of it.
Fiestas usually feature traditional dancing.
Malasi egpalabet ka me pista te me kinaraan ne me sayaw.
This house features double bamboo walls.
Def.: egpapeuyan
MS: egpapeuyan
If something such as a movie features an actor or performer, the actor is in that movie.
That movie features Jackie Chan.
Def.: baad te ulaula
MS: baad te ulaula
a part of your face (e.g., your nose).
Her features are very similar to her mother's.
Ka baad te ula-ula rin amana nekeiling te iney rin.
Def.: nateil ne prugrama wey baseen [base͡en]
MS: prugrama; baseen
a special television program or piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine.
Last night on TV there was a feature on Mt Apo.
The team's win was the feature news story in the local paper.
Sem.Dom.: AWL2
Status: ready
Last updated: 21/Jan/2013