Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eglalag ka te impurtanti ne minsan nekey te titing-awi
If you emphasize something, you say that it is important.
My mother emphasized that I must not play on the road.
Ka iney ku miglalag te keilangan ne kena a eggalew diyè te kelesadda.

Def.: egpeila seini te duma ne butang eyew egkamelmelehan egkakita
If something emphasizes another thing, it causes that other thing to be seen very clearly.
His heavy shoes emphasized his big feet.
Ka mabehat ne sepatus din migpeila te dakel ka paa rin.

Def.: eggemhemenan te eglituk
MS: eggemhemenan te eglituk
If you emphasize a word or part of a word, you say it more strongly than the other words or parts of words.
In the word 'maselem', you emphasize the second syllable, 'sel'.
Sem.Dom.: AWL3
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012