Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eg-alam te eggimuwen
MS: eg-alam
If you elect to do something, you choose to do that thing.
We elected to wait until the rain stopped.
Mig-alam ki ne egtatahad taman te egkerit e ka uran.

Def.: eg-alam te etew ne igpapinnuu te katenged ne igkeupii ran
MS: eg-alam
If people elect someone to a position (e.g., in government or in a committee), they choose that person by voting for them.
The government is elected by the people.

Def.: in-alam ne egbeheyan wey ke eggimuwen ne due katenged, piru warè pad iya migbunsud te himu
You use elect to describe someone who has been voted into a position, but hasn't officially started doing the job yet.
The president elect will officially become president next month.
Ka in-alam ne prisidinti egpinnuu e kayi te seup ne bulan.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1526-1550
Note: include because connected to 'election'
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012