Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: pegpamehey; pegpanalad
MS: pegpamehey; pegpanalad
the action of distributing.
I helped with the distribution of food at the party.
Migbulig a te pegpamehey te keenen diyè te kalibulungan.
n-ct, n-uc.

Def.: pegpanalad
MS: pegpanalad
the distribution of something is the amount which is spread in an area, and where it is spread.
The distribution of money in the world is not equal.
Ka pegpanalad te seleppì kayi te inged kenè ne eleg.
What is the distribution of schools in the west part of the city? How many are there, and where are they?
Sem.Dom.: AWL1
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012