Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Var. anyhow
Def.: piru minsan pad
MS: piru minsan pad; minsan pad, piru
You use anyway to say that something is the case, even though the things said before are also the case.
My mother knows all my bad points, but she loves me anyway.
Ka iney ku nakataha te maddeet ne himu ku, piru minsan pad due indakelan a nikandin te geyinawa.

Def.: wey labet pad degma
MS: wey labet pad degma; labet pad degma, wey
You use anyway at the beginning of a sentence to give another strong reason.
I don't want to play basketball today, and anyway, it's raining.
Kena a egkeupian ne egbubula kuntee, wey labet pad degma, eg-uran e.

Def.: kuwa buwa
MS: kuwa buwa
You use anyway at the beginning of a sentence to change the topic, or to try to finish the conversation.
Yes, I agree. Anyway, I should go home now.
Uya, eg-uyun a. Kuwa buwa, keilangan ad ne eg-uli diyè te baley.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1451-1475; adverbs
Note: basic.
Status: ready

Last updated: 03/Apr/2013