Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egwasang, migwasang/inwasang, agent, eg><ø-) to share the spoils of the hunt (igwasang, inwasang, patient, ig><ø-) with someone (egwasangan, inwasangan/migwasangan/pigwasangan, location, eg><an-)
Wrd.Gloss: share
Cult. The meat is not cut up into small portions. This verb means to share a large chunk of the catch, e.g., half a pig.
Si Mantulemek migpanganup. Nekeutel te babuy. Ka sumbaley rin inwasangan ni Mantulemek te babuy.
Mantulemek went hunting. He got a pig. He shared his catch with his neighbors.
Eng. share; divide spoils
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,QDL,RJH
Last updated: 18/Jun/2012