Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (eg-upal, mig-upal/in-upal/pig-upal, agent, eg><ø-) to not sure for something (eg-upalan, mig-upalan/in-upalan/pig-upalan, location, eg><an-)
Kenà a eg-upal ne egsusubba su kenà a egkateu.
I'm not going to try to cook because I am not sure if I know it.
Syn. bul-ug
Eng. not sure; uncertain; unconfident
DDP: Confident (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for someone (egpeupal-upal, migpeupal-upal/impeupal-upal/pigpeupal-upal, agent, eg><ø-pA-rdpRT-) to be boast even not sure to do things (egpeupal-upalan, migpeupal-upalan/impeupal-upalan/pigpeupal-upalan, location, eg><an-pA-rdpRT-)
Kenè ka egpeupal-upal eglapas te weyig su dakel.
Don't be certain about crossing the river because it's high.
Syn. egpaalag-alag
Eng. not sure; uncertain; unconfident
DDP: Confident (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 29/Jul/2014