Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(neumung, nA-) abundant
Ka neumung iyan igpasabut se miglapung puun su warè napamupuwi. Kaayun degma seini ne eggamiten ke duè minsan nekey ne pinamula ne warè nabayei wey ke naluhey e ne warè napamupuwi; iling te muti, kasilè wey duma pad.
Neumung e ka muti diyè te kamet ney su naluhey e ka warè napamupuwi.
Muti in our farm is abundant because it is how long is not break off.
Dakel ka behas te kasilè ne nakali ku su naluhey e nahud ne ware+napangalii.
I got lot of camote fruit because it's not harvested.
Eng. abundant; plentiful
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: AAA,RJH,RAA
Last updated: 04/Mar/2016