Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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using when amaze
Ka lalag ne tuwey/atuwey sabeka ne lalag ne eggamiten ke duè igkaaldek, igkeinu-inu, igkalaggew wey igkatingkemed.
Naka+tuwey naande si Rani te naamin e te hari rin ka keenen.
Rani just say oh when food was gone by his youngest brother/sister.
"Atuwey mahirap bes seini!" Nakahi ni Undon sika su migsuman-suman sikandin ne marani re ka Panganan kunaleg te mariyu bes.
"Oh it's difficult!" Undon complement this because he thought that Panganan is easily to get there but it's far.
Eng. oh; alas
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 07/Jun/2017
Updated by: RAA
Last updated: 12/Jan/2018