Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egsiguru, migsiguru, siguru, agent, eg><ø-) assurance
Ka igpasabut te sihuru ne lalag iyan ka kenè egpalintutuu ke warè egkakita isip igbayad te kandin ne kasangkapan. Kaayun degma ne eggamiten ka seini ne lalag te keilanganen.
Migsiguru ni Liluy ne egpakabayad si An-an te sabey rin su ingkuwa rin ka rihistru te mutur ni An-an.
Liluy sured that An-an could pay his loan money because he gets An-an's motor registration.
Egsiguru ki egkuwa te sidula su eyew kenè ki egdakepen te sundalu.
We need to secure a cedula so that we will not catch by a soldier.
Eng. sure; certain; assurance; make certain of
Tag. tiniyak; asahan
Ceb. kasegurohan
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 07/Jun/2017
Updated by: RAA
Last updated: 07/Mar/2018

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