Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Data Qual: Definition here seems quite mixed up. [RJH]
for both bad and good spirits (egpalawas, migpalawas/impalawas, agent, eg><ø-pA-) to show themself; to be naked; visible at someone (egpalawasan, impalawasan/migpalawasan/pigpalawasan, location, eg><an-)
Egpakita ka busew diyè te etew. Egpakita ka Ingkantu diyè te me etew.
Egpalawas ka busew ke egpakita kanta.
Bad spirit will be visible when they want to us to see them.
Egpalawas kun bes ka me busew emun ke eg-uran-uran.
Bad spirits are visible when rainy time.
Layun egpalawas keddì ka gimukud te iney ku.
The spirit of my mother is always show herself at me.
Impalawasan a te apù ku gabii.
My grandfather's spirit show himself at me yesterday.
Syn. egpalewad-lewad
Ant. egpeyilem
Eng. naked; nude; undressed; streak; expose; visible; appear
Tag. hubád
Ceb. hubo
OCM: Normal Garb (291)
DDP: Visible (, Appear (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 06/Nov/2015