Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(eglumpat, miglumpat, lumpat, eg><ø-) to run
Ka lumpat ne lalag iyan igpasabut ka pegpallahuy te me etew wey ke te me ayam naa. Ka seini ne lalag nekeg-iling te pallahuy.
Lumpat kad su duen e ka eglupug keykew.
Run because someone run after you is near.
Eglumpat e perem ka amey ku su naaldek te Pulis.
My father is about to run because he afraid of Police.
Eng. run
Tag. takbo
Ceb. dagan
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 07/Jun/2017
Updated by: RAA
Last updated: 09/Oct/2017