Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egketù, migketù/ingketù, egpangetù, migpangetù/impangetù, agent, eg><ø-, eg><ø-paN-) to pluck grains off the stalk (egketuen, ingketù/migketù/pigketù, egpangetuen, impangetù/migpangetù/pigpangetù, theme, eg><en-, eg><en-paN-)
Ka igpasabut te seini ne lalag iyan ka egpanigpù te me tagdey te paley te timpu te tinggaani. Minsan degma ka me uliben, dawa, ubbus te lumbey, wey minsan nekey ne pinamula ne egkaayunan te egpupu pinaahi te kemel wey kayu, kawayan ne eggamiten te eggaani.
Egpangetuen ney ka me paley su mananey ke eggalaben pad.
We will just pick the grains rather than cutting it because it takes longer.
Eng. harvest; pluck grain
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 07/Mar/2017