Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egpegdungkuk, migpegdungkuk/impegdungkuk, agent, egpeg-) to feed each other a handful of rice and then to touch foreheads (egpegdungkuken, impegdungkuk/migpegdungkuk/pigpegdungkuk, igpegdungkuk, impegdungkuk, patient, egpeg><en-, igpeg-) as part of the traditional Matigsalug wedding service
Sabeka seini ne pamaahi wey batasan te me menubu te egpeg-asawa ne iyan egpamalehet ka me Datu. Egpegsungkulen ka buked te lukes wey malitan te seini ne pamaahi.
Emun ke iyan egpeg-asawa ka me datu te me menubu su egpegtungkuken ka malitan wey ka lukes.
If the officiating minister of the wedding service is the tribal datus they just touched the forehead of the groom with the forehead of the bride.
Eng. marry; wedding service
DDP: Wedding (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,TME,AAA,QDL
Last updated: 03/Dec/2009