Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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n_rt ???.
n.Picture of kabukaran
(kabukaran, kA><an-) a flower, usually referring to the flowers of trees in blossom
Ka kaluwasan te seini ne lalag iyan ka pegpamukelas te bulak te minsan nekey ne egpamulak: iling te kayu, bulak, aheley.
Ew! Iyan bes eggeleben te tameing ka kabukaran te ulayan seeyè!
Huh! A blossom of an oak tree over there is what the bees is aftering to!
O. Syn. bulak
Eng. blossom; bloom; flower (blossom)
Tag. bulaklák
Ceb. búlak
Ilo.: sábong
OCM: Ethnobotany (824)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for a tree (egpangabukad, migpangabukad/impangabukad, pangabukad, agent, eg><ø-paN- ???) to blossom
Migpangabukad ka rose ne bulak.
The rose was blooming.
Eng. blossom; bloom; flower, to
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 14/Oct/2015