Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Data Qual: Can someone write an example sentence about traditional binu? [RJH]
wine, beer, or other alcoholic drinks
Wrd.Gloss: wine
Migmeinit ka kumeng ku te nekeimpus a ka mig-inum te binu.
My chest heated after drinking wine.
Masulug ne klasi ka binu: kaayun n egpuun te behas te paras, wey egkaayun minsan nekey ne pinamula.
There are many kind of wine: it can from fruit of vine and can be from any kind of plant.
Warè binu te kaap-apuan ney su kenè egngi-inum sikandan.
There's no wine in our ancestors time for they didn't take a wine.
Eng. beer; wine; alcoholic beverage; beverage, alcoholic
OCM: Alcoholic Beverage's (273)
DDP: Alcoholic beverage (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 06/Nov/2015

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