Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Eng. hungry
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
for a person or animal (egbanlusen, imbanlus/migbanlus/pigbanlus, agent, eg><en-) to experience hunger
Data Qual: can it be an animal too?
Ka egbanlusen iyan ka lalag ne karumaan te eggutasan. Nekeg-iling iya ka egbanlusen wey ka eggutasan su migpangguhud wey peilaan sikandan te gutas.
Egbanlusen iya ka me etew kuntee su ting-uran wey tingkalamag.
Famine will really come to people because the rainy and windy season has come.
Syn. gutas
Eng. hungry
Tag. gutóm
Ceb. gutom
Ilo.: mabisiín
OCM: Sensation and Perception (151), Gratification and Control of Hunger (261)
Online dict status: c
Usage level: R

Last updated: 21/May/2012