Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egbaluhu, migbaluhu/imbaluhu, baluhu, egpamaluhu, impamaluhu/migpamaluhu, pamaluhu, agent, eg><ø-, eg><ø-paN-) to rub or wipe something, e.g., oil (igbaluhu, imbaluhu, ibaluhu, igpamaluhu, impamaluhu, ipamaluhu, theme, ig><ø-, ig><ø-paN-) into their hair (egbaluhuwan, imbaluhuwan/migbaluhuwan/pigbaluhuwan, baluhuwi, egpamaluhuwan, impamaluhawan/migpamaluhuwan/pigpamaluhuwan, pamaluhuwi, location, eg><an-, eg><an-paN-)
Egbaluhuwan ku pad ka bulbul ku su makehal e ne egsugkaren.
I'll just rub (baby) oil into my hair because it's hard to comb.
Gramm. This use of the word is derived from baluhuu because the tree bark was traditionally used for treating head lice.
Eng. wipe onto something; smear onto something; wipe oil; grease
DDP: Oil (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

(Baluhuwan, -an) name of a river in traditional Matigsalug belief
Eng. river, Baluhuwan; name of river, Baluhuwan (Matigsalug belief)
Cult. This river is the one passed by the soul before it reaches the Meibulan place (the place for souls)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 02/Dec/2009

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