Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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All Saints Day celebration at the beginning of November.
Migpanubad ka amey ku te timpu te kalagkalag wey impandawit din ka me kakey ku ne nenamatey e wey ka me apù ku ne dengan nenamatey.
My father made a ritual during the day of the dead and he mentioned both of my brothers and grandparent's dead.
Wrd.Gloss: All_Saint's_Day
Cult. On November 1, any graves of children or young people are cleared, flowers planted, and cooked food is left at the graveside in plates to feed the soul gimukud. On November 2, the graves of the elders are similarly respected. This is a new custom adopted from lowlanders, particularly Roman Catholics.
Eng. All Saints Day; day of the dead (November 1 & 2)
Online dict status: c
Usage level: L

Updated by: RJH,JUN,QDL
Last updated: 15/Jan/2011