Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: kina-; pinaka- (egkahamit seini ne lalag ke egpeg-iling ka te minsan nekey ne iyan 'kinewun-aan [kinewun-a:n]')
Adjectives and some adverbs have a superlative form. You use the superlative form to talk about the 'number one' thing when you compare things. For short words, you add '-est' to the adjective. For long words, you put 'most' before the adjective. You use 'the' before superlative forms.
She is the tallest girl in our family.
Sikandin ka kinamalangkawan ne malitan te pamilya ney.
This tree is the most beautiful tree in the garden.
Ka seini ne kayu ka kinameupiyaan diyè te pamulaan.
Sem.Dom.: language
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012