Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egbehey te puhawang
MS: egbehey te puhawang
If you suggest doing something or suggest that someone do something, you tell them your idea so that they can think about it.
I had nothing to do, so my mother suggested that I visit my cousins.
I suggest a picnic for this afternoon. What do you think?
I suggest that he is not the best person for the job.

Def.: egpakabehey te suman-suman
MS: egpakabehey te suman-suman
If one thing suggests another thing, it causes you to think the other thing.
The rain clouds suggest that it will rain later.
Ka kibel egpakabehey te suman-suman ne eg-uran kangkuwa.
Her sleepy eyes suggested that she had just woken up.
Ka egtuyungen ne mata rin egpakabehey te suman-suman ne iyam pad miggimata sikandin.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0551-0575

Def.: puhawang ne nasuman-suman nu ne igbehey diyè te duma eyew iyan igpeyimu
MS: tambag
words which tell someone what you think they should do (make a suggestion).
Status: ready

Last updated: 14/Jul/2012