Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: 1 pegkaayun; 2 hendue te; 3 pegkeyitabù
MS: pegkaayun; hendue te; pegkeyitabù
the state of being possible.
Note: sense 1,2,3
There is no possibility of success without hard work.

Def.: egkeyitabù (meyitenged te duwa-ruwa)
MS: egkeyitabù
something which may be the case or may happen.
There are two possibilities: either they are very late, or they are not coming today.
Due daruwa ne egkeyitabù: namewuri amana sikandan wey ke kenè eglepew sikandan kuntee.
It's a possibility that we will go to Valencia next week, but it depends on my work.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0151-0175
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Jun/2012