Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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prep, adv.
Def.: te dibabew; te ampew
MS: dibabew, te; ampew, te
If something moves or is above another thing, it is higher than that other thing, and not touching it.
The bird flew above us.
Ka bayaku miglayang te dibabew ta.
There is a cloud above us.

Def.: dibdibabew te; subla te
MS: dibdibabew te; subla te
If a number or level is above another number or level, it is bigger than it.
You need to get above 70% in the test.
Keilangan ne egkuwa ka te dibdibabew te pitu ne pulù ne pursintu te tis.
Sem.Dom.: prepositions; adverbs; GSL0376-0400
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012