Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: nekeg-iling
MS: nekeg-iling
If something equates to something else, it is the same as that other thing.
Thirty packets of this shampoo equate to one bottle.
Sapulù ne pakiti te siyampu ka egpekeiling te sabeka ne butilya.

Def.: egpeg-iling
MS: egpeg-iling
If you equate something with something else, you say that they are the same thing.
It is not right to equate beauty with good character, because they are not the same thing.
Kenè ne eleg ne egpeg-iling ka te kateles wey keupiya te menà su warè nekeg-iling seini.
Sem.Dom.: AWL2
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012