Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eglalag te pegmemalehet
MS: eglalag te pegmemalehet
If you confirm that something is true, you say that it really is true.
She confirmed that she was pregnant.
Miglalag sikandin te pegmemalehet ne egkaberes sikandin.

Def.: egpakita te pegmemalehet
MS: egpakita te pegmemalehet
If something confirms that a thing is true, it shows that it really is true.
The X-ray confirmed that her leg was broken.
Ka iksri migpakita te pegmemalehet ne ka paa rin nahepù.

Def.: eg-ugsien eyew te pegmemalehet
MS: eg-ugsien eyew te pegmemalehet
If you confirm something such as an appointment, you contact the person to make sure that it really will happen.
I called the dentist to confirm my appointment.
Mig-umew ku ka dintista eyew te peg-ugsì te keddì ne katuyuan.
Sem.Dom.: AWL7

n-ct, n-uc.
Def.: lalag wey ke kasangkapan ne egpakita te kamalehetan
words or things which show that something really is true.
The doctor gave her confirmation that she was pregnant.
Miglalag ka duktur te pegpamalehet ne egkaberes sikandin.
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012