Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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vi, v-recip.
Def.: egparumeey [egparume͡ey]; eglimuren; egsabeka
MS: egparumeey; eglimuren; egsabeka
If two or more things combine, they join together to make one thing.
The three groups combined to make one large group.
Ka tatelu ne grupu migparumeey [migparume͡ey] eyew te peggimu te dakel ne grupu.

Def.: egpegdumeen [egpegdume͡en]; egpegsewuhen; egsabekeen
MS: egpegdumeen; egpegsewuhen; egsabekeen
If you combine things, you join them together to make one thing.
Combine the coconut milk and the sugar in the pot.
Pegsewuha nu ka gatè te niyug wey ka sukal due te kendiru.
The teacher combined all the groups students into one large group.

Def.: egkasewug ne minsan nekey
MS: egkasewug
If someone or something combines two or more things, they have both those things.
My mother combines kindness with strictness.
Ka iney ku due pegbebatasan ne meupiya wey mabulut.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0701-0725
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012