Def.: sengekuan
MS: sengekuan
If something is alien, it is strange and different.
The lifestyle of the city is alien to me, as I have always lived in the mountains.
Ka sistima te umul diyè te siyudad sengekuan kayi te keddì, ne layun a eg-ugpè diyè te katalunan.
Def.: kenè ne mahinged (te nasud)
MS: kenè ne mahinged
a person who lives in one country, but is a citizen of another country.
If you are an alien in some countries, you are not allowed to buy land.
Ke kenè ka ne mahinged diyè te lein ne nasud, kenè ka egkaayun ne egbebeli te tanè.
Def.: umul ne kenè ne ligkat te kalibutan ta
MS: umul ne kenè ne ligkat te kalibutan ta
a living thing in the universe which is not from Earth.
Some people believe that there are aliens living on other planets.
Ka duma ne etew migpalintutuu ne due umul te minsan nekey ne egkekeuyag diyè te lein ne planita.
Sem.Dom.: extra
Status: not yet fully checked
Last updated: 17/Jan/2012