Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Data Qual: If the reduplication is really in the root, the hyphen needs to be removed [RJH]
v.Picture of egtikin-tikin
for someone (egtikin-tikin, agent, eg><ø-) to squat with both feet together
Ka egtikin-tikin iyan ka egpinnuu ne kenè igpeuma ka lebut diyè te egpinnuuwan su egkutut-kutut iling te eg-indes.
Kenè ka egtikin-tikin ke egkeen ka su egpekeetut ka.
Do not squat when you eat because you can release wind.
Mesì due egkakita nu ne egtikin-tikin diyè te batang, eg-indes naa sika.
When you see someone squating on the log, then that one is defecating.
Panumbilangan ka ka egpinnuu wey kenè ka tikin-tikin su egkapù-pù ka.
Cross your legs when sitting and do not squat because you will worn out.
O. Syn. panalakad-takad
Eng. squat
Tag. tumuwád
Ceb. tuk-ong
OCM: Postures (516)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,AAA,RJH
Last updated: 31/Aug/2010