Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Var. tammisak
for someone (egtamisak, migtamisak/intamisak, tamisak, agent, eg><ø-) to make a slurry (egtamisaken, intamisak/migtamisak/pigtamisak, tamisaka, patient, eg><en-) for something
Egtammisak ka me batè te basak sika te lamma su mig-uran nahud.
The children stamping around the mud at the yard because the of rain.
Egtammisaken te me batè ka basak eyew te peggahalew.
The children are slurrying the mud to have fun.
Eng. slurry; knead; stamping around the mud; stomping; trample
DDP: Soil, dirt (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egtatammisak, migtatammisak, intatammisak/pigtatammisak, tatammisak, agent, eg><ø-rdpCV-) to stamping around the mud (egkatammisak, nakatammisak, patient, egkA><ø-) with something (igtatammisak, intatammisak, instrument, ig><ø-)
Ka egtamisak iyan ka egluuyang te basak wey minsan nekey ne makames wey ke egbebasak ne egdi-diekan. Ka tuyù te egluluyang iyan ka peglupet te egluyangen.
Egtatammisak sikandan te basakan dan su warè kalabew ran ne igdaru.
They are stamping around their rice field because they dont have carabao for plowing.
Ka hemeyan ney egkatammisak te me tew ne egmanlihadlihad.
Our rice field is slurred by the people who always passing by.
Egmamakepal e ka palapala te me etew ne igtammisak te basakan.
Their foot were thick already from stamping around to the rice field.
Eng. knead; stamping around the mud; stomp; slurry, make
DDP: Soil, dirt (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,TME,QDL,RAA
Last updated: 30/Oct/2012