Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(egsangkayal, migsangkayal/pigsangkayal, sangkayal, eg><ø-) to put something over something
Ka sangkayal iyan igpasabut ka kayu ne ig-untud te minsan nekey. Piru kenè egkaayun seini ne eggamiten te kenè ne kayu. Marani te seini ne lalag ka tambad.
Egsangkayal e pad te kayu kayi!
I putting wood here!
Migsangkayal kud ganna ka me kayu diyè te seleb.
I already put over woods under house.
Eng. stand on the top; put over; top; apex; above; coat; layer; crown out; overlap; usurp
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 20/Jul/2015
Updated by: RAA,RAA,RJH
Last updated: 02/Aug/2016