Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a type of (cooking) banana
Wrd.Gloss: pekal_banana
Cult. 4-5 in. long, rectangular, 1.5 in. diam., yellow when ripe, 7-12 hands per bunch, may be eaten raw but commonly eaten fried or boiled. The fibre can be made into cloth. There is a longer (6-8 in.) but otherwise similar variety called (Ceb) kardába karnaba.
Egpamugsù ki pad Eyra te pekal su eyew eg-ume e ka pekal egpeyinuhan tad e wey igbelegyè tad e diyè te me tindaan.
We will plant some pekal bananas, honey, so that when the pekal bananas appear we will ripen them and sell them at a store.
Eng. banana variety; banana
Tag. sabá
Ceb. sab-a; karnaba; kardaba
Ilo.: dippig
OCM: Flora (137)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: MT

Updated by: RJH,RAA
Last updated: 12/Apr/2018