Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egngelngel, migngelngel/ingelngel, agent, eg><ø-) to kill something (a chicken, a pig or a person) (egngelngelen, ingngelngel/migngelngel/pigngelngel, patient, eg><en-) by cutting its throat
Wrd.Gloss: kill
Sikeddì ka egngelngel te manuk.
Let me slaughter the chicken.
Ngelngel ka paahi te peggilang te manuk.
Cutting the throat is the way of killing a chicken.
Kuwa kid e Jacky. Ke pa, egngelngel e pad te manuk.
Lets go Jacky. Wait, I'm slaughtering a chicken.
Eng. cut throat; slit throat; kill; slaughter
DDP: Kill (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 23/Nov/2017