Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for a child (egbubual, migbubual/imbubual, bubual, egbubbubual, migbubbubual/imbubbubual, bubbubual, agent, eg><ø-, eg><ø-rdpCVC-) to want his own way and throw a tantrum in order to persuade the mother (igbubuali, ingbubuali, reason, ig><i-)
Kenè nu ahawi ka batè te egkeenen din su egbubual.
Do not take the baby's food away because s/he will throw a tantrum.
O. Syn. bunlis
O. Syn. deha
Eng. want own way; tantrum
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,RUL,NJK,RAA
Last updated: 30/Oct/2009