Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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both hands cupped together and full of something
Ka kaluwasan te seini ne lalag iyan ka daruwa ne belad ne inggamit te peggamak te minsan nekey. Kenè egkaayunan te seini ne lalag ka minsan nekey ne eggen-genan wey malayat ded ka egtimpa wey ke sumpul te miggen-genan. Iyan egkaayunan te seini ne lalag ka minsan nekey ne eggen-genan ne kenè egleddut wey egpakasuledu te daruwa ne belad.
Hendini ka wey akup ka te lahas kayi te leban ku.
Come here and take handful of lahas nut here in my basket.
Wrd.Gloss: both_hands_full
cf. kemkemhandful
Eng. both hands full; hands full; full hands; measure
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (eg-akup, mig-akup/in-akup, agent, eg><ø-) to get something using two hands (e.g., rice or beans) in order to get more (eg-akupen, in-akup/mig-akup/pig-akup, patient, eg><en-)
Eng. get, to (something)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,JUN,AAA,TME
Last updated: 29/Jun/2010