Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: Egkahamit seini ke eglalag ka te egginguma pad ne timpu.
If I say that I shall or we shall do something, I am talking about the future (but will is more common).
I shall tell you the answer tomorrow.
Egnangenan ku sikeykew te tabak kaaselem.
We shall leave early tomorrow.
Egselem-selem ka eggipanew kaaselem.

Def.: Egkahamit seini ke due igpeyimu nu te senge etew
You use shall to say what people must do.
All students shall wear the uniform.
Ka langun ne istudyanti egsaluub te unipurmi.

Def.: Eggamit ka kayi ke eg-insè ka diyè te duma te igkeupii nu ne eggimuwen.
You use shall to ask what your hearer wants.
What shall we do now?
Nekey-a ka eggimuwen ta kuntee?
Sem.Dom.: auxiliary verbs; GSL0426-0450
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012