Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpeeneng-eneng; eggimeley; egsanggel
MS: egpeeneng-eneng; eggimeley; egsanggel
If something such as dust or a bird settles somewhere, it stops moving and rests in a place.
A bird settled on the fence.
After the truck passed by, the dust from the road slowly settled.

Def.: eggendiyè te inged wey diyad e eg-ugpè
If people settle in a place, they move there to live.
We are going to leave our town and settle in another area.
Eg-awè key e te lungsud ney wey diyè key e eg-ugpè te lein ne lugar.

Def.: eggusey eyew egkasanggel ka apulaney wey ke ehetayey
If people settle an argument, they fix the problem so that they stop fighting.
The two men settled their disagreement and are now working together.
The teacher settled the fight between the two students.

Def.: egsulbad te prublima wey ke egtabaken ka insè
MS: egsulbad; egtabaken ka insè
If someone or something settles a problem or question, they fix the problem or answer the question.
His good answer settled my question.
Ka meupiya ne tabak din nakapeimpus te insè ku.

Def.: egbayad te utang ne keilangan ne egbayaran
If you settle a bill or debt, you pay the money that you need to pay.
He settled all his debts before he went home.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0676-0700
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012