Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: pegkateu pinaahi te pegtengteng, pegdineg, peggarek, peggeram wey pegsabut.
the action of knowing something by seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling or understanding it.
The perception of very small sounds is easy for dogs.

Def.: katuenan ne egpakakita wey egpakasabut te malised ne egkakita wey egkasabut.
the ability to see or understand things that are not very easy to see or understand.
My sister has a lot of perception; she always knows if people are upset about something.

Def.: pegsuman-suman; pegtuu
MS: pegsuman-suman; pegtuu
Your perception of someone or something is what you think about them.
Many people have a wrong perception of sharks, and think that they are all dangerous.
Masalig ne etew ne due seyyup ne pegsuman-suman te ihu, egsuman-suman ne ka langun ne ihu dilikadu.
See perceive
Sem.Dom.: AWL2
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012