Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpehes ne egpeyimu
MS: egpehes
If you impose something on someone, you force them to do or suffer that thing. If you impose your thinking on someone, you try to force them to think or behave the same way as you.
The owner of the house imposed a lot of rules on the students who were living there.
Ka kamuney te baley migpehes te pegpeyimu te masulug ne balaud te me istudyanti ne nangugpè.
The bank imposed many fees on its members.
Sem.Dom.: AWL4

Def.: peggimu te minsan nekey minsan kenè perem igpeyimu
MS: peggimu te minsan nekey minsan kenè perem igpeyimu; pegpeyimu te minsan nekey minsan kenè perem igpeyimu
the action of imposing.
Status: ready

Last updated: 15/Dec/2012