Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpanulù diyè te iskuylaan
MS: egpanulù diyè te iskuylaan
If you educate someone, you teach them at a school or college.
He was educated at the local national high school.
Migpanulù sikandin te lukal nasyunal hayiskul.

Def.: egpanulù wey egpasabut te kanengnengan
MS: egpanulù; egpasabut
If you educate someone about a particular topic, you give them information about it so that they know it.
We need to educate young people about the dangers of drugs.
Keilangan ne egpanulù ki te me mengebay wey me kanakan te pegkamareet te bisyu.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0376-0400

n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: peg-iskuyla wey pegnengneng
MS: peg-iskuyla wey pegnengneng
study and learning.
The midwife gave some health education courses for new mothers.
I want my children to get a good education.
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012