Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eggeramen ne igkeupii te eggimu
MS: eggeramen ne igkeupii te eggimu
If you are disposed to do something, you feel that you want to do it.
We talked to the Barangay captain, and he was disposed to help us.
Migpakiglalag key te Barangay kepitan, wey miggeram ney ne egbulig sikandin kanta.

Def.: ka eggeramen nu (meyitenged te etew wey ke kasangkapan)
MS: eggeramen
If you are disposed towards someone or something in a particular way, that is the way that you feel about them.
He is badly-disposed towards children.
Kenè egkeupian sikandin te me batè.
Sem.Dom.: AWL7
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012