Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpakakita wey egpakameleg-meleg te kaleinan
MS: egpakakita te kaleinan; egpakameleg-meleg te kaleinan
If you can discriminate between things, you can see that they are different.
Some people can't discriminate between red and green, and think they look the same.
Ka duma ne etew kenè egpakameleg-meleg te kaleinan te malalab wey meilem, wey egsuman-suman te nekeg-iling sikandan.

Def.: egleig-leig
MS: egleig-leig
If you discriminate against someone, you treat them worse than other people because of something about them such as their race, sex or age. If you discriminate in favor of someone, you treat them better than other people.
Sem.Dom.: AWL6

Def.: 1 pegpakakita wey pegpakameleg-meleg te kaleinan; 2 pegleig-leig
MS: pegpakakita wey pegpakameleg-meleg te kaleinan; pegleig-leig
the action of discriminating.
There is sometimes discrimination against indigenous groups.
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012