Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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v-recip, vt.
Def.: egpaapuley
MS: egpaapuley
If people debate about something, they talk about their different opinions and the reasons for their opinions.
The two men debated about the problem.
Ka daruwa ne etew migpaapuley meyitenged te prublima.
n-uc, n-ct.

Def.: apulanan
MS: apulanan
a situation where people say their different opinions about something, and give the reasons for their opinions.
There is a lot of debate about the best way to fix that problem.
Due masalig ne apulanan meyitenged te kinameupiyaan ne pamaahi te pegsulbad te prublima.
Sem.Dom.: AWL4
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012